Dawn King is a faculty fellow, lecturer, and Director of Undergraduate Studies at Brown University’s Institute for Environment and Society. She earned her Ph.D. in Environmental Politics at Colorado State University. She currently serves on the steering committee and chairs the data and evaluation committee for the Rhode Island Food Policy Council. She has served as a Rhode Island Delegate for Food Solutions New England and participates in many local and regional food advisory boards
Her areas of research and writing focus on urban agriculture and local food economies, state and local food politics, and urban sustainability policy – with works appearing in journals such as the International Journal of Public Administration, Environmental Management, Interface: A Journal For and About Social Movements, and Environmental Practice.
Her current research investigates the role of regional food distribution systems in increasing economic development at the state and local level as well as the food system’s role in mitigating and adapting to climate change. She is especially interested in what policies, initiatives, and land-use planning decisions best strengthen sustainable, local food economies and how these policies impact underrepresented populations.